Saturday 24 March 2012

Glen Nevis classic

Today Johann and I headed up into a warm, midge free and dry Glen Nevis for some classic rock ticks. I have wanted to do Edgehog for quite a while now so we headed upto Wave Buttress to get warmed up. We started off on Bewsey Crack (HVS 5a), which is a great tricky HVS. I then went up EdgeHog (E3 5c) which was brilliant. Immaculate climbing and some nice gear where you want it! After this we headed over to Speadeagle Buttress where Johann wanted to try Slip Away (E3 6a) but unfortunately, after several attempts, couldn't break the crux. We then headed up to Blade Buttress which has a fantastic feature of rock, well worth a visit! I jumped on Sabre (E3 5c) then jumped off as I got really pumper in the overhanging finger crack. After a little rest and some cunning, I managed to work my way up and out to the top. A great route which could do with some more traffic!

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